Feb 22, 2023

When people think of vehicle maintenance, most tend to get anxious and picture the tangle of mechanisms under the hood. But, what if we told you that one of the biggest pieces of equipment that you need to keep an eye on when it comes to your ride is your windshield wipers? Not so intimidating now is it? While easily replaced, wipers are essential to your everyday drive, so to help stay on top or your car care we’ve compiled a list of warning signs your wipers may be wiped out and some tips on how to improve their longevity! Take a look at our tips below, and if your ride is in need of some more serious maintenance, be sure to schedule your service appointment at the Bennington Chevy Service Center today!

Warning signs that indicate it’s time to replace those wipers!

  • Streaking occurs when the rubber squeegee dries, hardens and cracks. It can also be caused by tree sap, road tar and other foreign substances collected on either the glass or the blade.
  • Skipping occurs when the blade develops a curvature from lack of use (e.g. left in the ‘parked position’ for an extended length of time).
  • Wearing occurs with extensive use and is when the rubber edges are rounded instead of squared.
  • Splitting is caused when the sun’s ultraviolet rays penetrate the rubber squeegee, causing it to break down and separate from the frame.
  • Bent Refill Vertebra and Bent Frames cause inconsistent contact with the glass surface, creating streaking or skipping.

Some tips for making sure your wipers stay in great shape!

  • Clean your windshield every time you fill your gas tank.
  • Gently wipe the rubber squeegee with a damp paper towel to remove any loose dirt or oil.
  • Never use your windshield wipers to de-ice your windshield. Instead, either use an ice scraper or use your defroster to melt snow and ice.
  • Pull your wiper blades away from the windshield during winter months to prevent ice build up on the rubber squeegee and to prevent them from sticking to the windshield.