Jul 7, 2023

Now that summer is in full swing, things are really heating up! Just like us, our vehicles can take a beating from the soaring summer temperatures. To ensure that your vehicle doesn’t experience overheating or breakdowns that could cost you some serious cash, regular maintenance is required. But how do you know what you should be keeping an eye on? This week we have created the ultimate summer service checklist to help you out! Of course, we understand that some of us are not DIY people and that’s why the professionals at Bennington Chevy are more than happy to service your vehicle for you! Schedule your service appointment today and hit those summer roads with confidence!

Bennington Chevy’s Ultimate Summer Service Checklist:

Coolant: Keeping your vehicle cool is super important during the summer, not just for us but for your vehicle as well! Making sure the coolant level is correct is super important, this makes sure that your engine doesn’t overheat. Go the extra mile and check the state of the hoses and coolant reservoir, look for leaks or damage. If you find any make sure you get it fixed as soon as possible!

Engine Belts: There is usually a serpentine belt that runs between the alternator, the fan, and several other components. It can deteriorate, become loose, start to squeal, and sometimes just break for no apparent reason. It needs to be in good condition and at the right amount of tension. If you see cracks in the belt or small pieces missing, it’s time to replace the belt.

Wipers: With hot summer days, come those summer storms we love to watch…even if we don’t want to be stuck in the middle of them. Things happen though and when it does you want to make sure your wipers are working properly so you can stay safe through any type of weather.

Other Essential Fluids: Check oil, brake, power-steering and windshield-washer fluids regularly. These liquids never stop being used and consumed. Speaking of brake fluid, how do the brakes on your car feel in general? Are they lacking a bit? Feeling a bit spongy? If so, new pads and a system bleed might be required.

Air-Conditioning System: A summer essential is your car’s AC! If the system isn’t working properly, check for leaks. If the AC is leaking when on, that is not good. There are plenty of sealing products you can use to fix this issue. IF this doesn’t resolve the issue, bring your car to a mechanic to be serviced.

Air Filter: The winter’s decomposing leaves may be clogging up drainage points, windshield-washer nozzles or your car’s air filter. Now might be a good time to buy a new one or take the current one out and give it a cleaning.
Tires: Tires really need to be checked all year long. Your tire pressure needs to be correct (check the owner’s manual) in order to work properly and not cause damage to your vehicle. And since summer is the time for road trips you want your tire to be in tip-top shape!